Designing And Managing Supply Chain Free Pdf Download

Designing And Managing Supply Chain Free Pdf Download

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Glossary of Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain, and International Trade Terms. Stymied by stickering Exasperated by XML And just what is Poka Yoke, anyway Let Inbound Logistics glossary of transportation, logistics, supply chain, and international trade terms help. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X  Y ZAABC Analysis A classification of items in an inventory according to importance defined in terms of criteria such as sales volume and purchase volume. The relationship between the logistics complexity of manufacturing companies and their supply chain management. A relao entre a complexidade logstica de. Horizontal Router Table Plan Pdf 6x4 Shed Usa Horizontal Router Table Plan Pdf 16 X20 Oval Bathroom Cabinet Lifetime 15 X 8 Storage Shed. ABC Classification Classification of a group of items in decreasing order of annual dollar volume or other criteria. This array is then split into three classes called A, B, and C. The A group represents 1. The next grouping, B, represents about 2. I6Mb2TejG0/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Designing And Managing Supply Chain Free Pdf Download' title='Designing And Managing Supply Chain Free Pdf Download' />Oracle Technology Network is the ultimate, complete, and authoritative source of technical information and learning about Java. Tell No Tales Di Zigic And Ds Ferreira Book 2 eBooks Tell No Tales Di Zigic And Ds Ferreira Book 2 is available on PDF, ePUB and DOC format. You can directly download. Inbound Logistics glossary of transportation, logistics, supply chain, and international trade terms can help you navigate through confusion and get to the meaning. Importantly, the trends were reviewed by a group of senior executives, both in supply chain and in other corporate functions, representing a cross section of industry. The central location for Texas CTE instructional and professional development content. The C class contains 6. ABC Costing See Activity Based Costing ABCABC Inventory Control An inventory control approach based on the ABC volume or sales revenue classification of products A items are highest volume or revenue, C or perhaps D are lowest volume SKUs. ABC Model In cost management, a representation of resource costs during a time period that are consumed through activities and traced to products, services, and customers, or to any other object that creates a demand for the activity to be performed. ABC System In cost management, a system that maintains financial and operating data on an organizations resources, activities, drivers, objects and measures. ABC Models are created and maintained within this system. Improve the competitiveness of your business with ITCs Supply Chain Management programme. Over the past ten years, ITCs Supply Chain Management SCM team. As innovative technological solutions continue to shake up logistics, managing the supply chain is no longer business as usual. Recent surveys reflect an incredible. ABI See Automated Broker Interface ABIABM See Activity Based Management ABM. ABP See Activity Based Planning ABP. Abnormal Demand Demand in any period that is outside the limits established by management policy. This demand may come from a new customer or from existing customers whose own demand is increasing or decreasing. Care must be taken in evaluating the nature of the demand Is it a volume change, is it a change in product mix, or is it related to the timing of the orderAbsorption Costing In cost management, an approach to inventory valuation in which variable costs and a portion of fixed costs are assigned to each unit of production. The fixed costs are usually allocated to units of output on the basis of direct labor hours, machine hours, or material costs. Synonym Allocation Costing. Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System ACROSS A Canada Customs system to speed the release of shipments by allowing electronic transmission of data to and from Canada Customs 2. Acceptable Quality Level AQL In quality management, when a continuing series of lots is considered, AQL represents a quality level that, for the purposes of sampling inspection, is the limit of a satisfactory process average. Acceptable Sampling Plan In quality management, a specific plan that indicates the sampling sizes and the associated acceptance or non acceptance criteria to be used. Also see Acceptance Sampling. Acceptance Number In quality management, 1 A number used in acceptance sampling as a cut off at which the lot will be accepted or rejected. For example, if x or more units are bad within the sample, the lot will be rejected. The value of the test statistic that divides all possible values into acceptance and rejection regions. Also see Acceptance Sampling. Acceptance Sampling 1 The process of sampling a portion of goods for inspection rather than examining the entire lot. The entire lot may be accepted or rejected based on the sample even though the specific units in the lot are better or worse than the sample. There are two types attributes sampling and variables sampling. In attributes sampling, the presence or absence of a characteristic is noted in each of the units inspected. In variables sampling, the numerical magnitude of a characteristic is measured and recorded for each inspected unit this type of sampling involves reference to a continuous scale of some kind. A method of measuring random samples of lots or batches of products against predetermined standards. Accessibility A carriers ability to provide service between an origin and a destination. Accessorial Charges A carriers charge for accessorial services such as loading, unloading, pickup, and delivery, or any other charge deemed appropriate. Accountability Being answerable for, but not necessarily personally charged with, doing specific work. Accountability cannot be delegated, but it can be shared. For example, managers and executives are accountable for business performance even though they may not actually perform the work. Accounts Payable AP The value of goods and services acquired for which payment has not yet been made. Accounts Receivable AR The value of goods shipped or services rendered to a customer on whom payment has not been received. Usually includes an allowance for bad debts. Accreditation Certification by a recognized body of the facilities, capability, objectivity, competence, and integrity of an agency, service, operational group, or individual to provide the specific service or operation needed. For example, the Registrar Accreditation Board accredits those organizations that register companies to the ISO 9. Series Standards. Accredited Standards Committee ASC A committee of ANSI chartered in 1. The committee develops and maintains US generic standards X1. Electronic Data Interchange. Accumulation Bin A place, usually a physical location, used to accumulate all components that go into an assembly before the assembly is sent out to the assembly floor. Synonym Assembly Bin. Accuracy In quality management, the degree of freedom from error or the degree of conformity to a standard. Accuracy is different from precision. For example, four significant digit numbers are less precise than six significant digit numbers however, a properly computed four significant digit number might be more accurate than an improperly computed six significant digit number. ACD See Automated Call Distribution. Acknowledgement A communication by a supplier to advise a purchaser that a purchase order has been received. It usually implies acceptance of the order by the supplier. Acquisition Cost In cost accounting, the cost required to obtain one or more units of an item. It is order quantity times unit cost. Action Message An alert that an MRP or DRP system generates to inform the controller of a situation requiring his or her attention. Active Stock Goods in active pick locations and ready for order filling. Activity Work performed by people, equipment, technologies, or facilities. Activities are usually described by the action verb adjective noun grammar convention. Activities may occur in a linked sequence and activity to activity assignments may exist. In activity based cost accounting, a task or activity, performed by or at a resource, required in producing the organizations output of goods and services. A resource may be a person, machine, or facility. Activities are grouped into pools by type of activity and allocated to products. In project management, an element of work on a project. It usually has an anticipated duration, anticipated cost, and expected resource requirements. Sometimes major activity is used for larger bodies of work. Activity Analysis The process of identifying and cataloging activities for detailed understanding and documentation of their characteristics. Supply Chain Trends for the Next 1. Years. July 0. 9, 2. Recently, I happened to be perusing the aisle of a bookstore there are still a few of them left and found a book by Pavan Sukhdev titled Corporation 2. The title was intriguing and the contents were illuminating. Basically, the author argued for a new formula for business success going forwardone that looked at all aspects of doing business and emphasized the corporations responsibility to society and to sustainability. The forward looking nature of Sukhdevs book set the wheels in motion for this article. Quite a bit has been written over the years about the future of supply chains. MITs SCM 2. 02. 0 project, for example, brought together leading thinkers and practitioners to address the subject. However, this research and most articles I have read on the topic have focused on supply chain operations and not on the points of intersectionthat is, the related activities that are outside of the supply chains direct control such as R D, information technology, and post sales service. In my list of the top trends, I have incorporated a number of these intersection points. As we think about the major trends that will affect the next generation of supply chains, we need to consider certain macroeconomic factors. Prominent among these is the changing global economic demographics. Walk into any multinational consumer goods or manufacturing company today and youre sure to hear a lot of discussion about the BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, and China markets. The GDP growth in those countries far exceeds the growth in more fully developed economies. Further, the sheer number of consumers in these countries already accounts for about 4. And by 2. 05. 0, their combined economies are expected to eclipse that of the worlds richest countriesincluding the U. S. and European Union. Another macro economic reality to consider is the shortage of knowledge workers to satisfy the needs of the expanding markets. Studies show that these shortages are beginning to be felt in the immediate term. Some of this shortage will be offset by the Baby Boomers wanting or needing to work longer to overcome lingering effects of the latest recession. In any case, the shortage of skilled workers overall underpins several of the specific trends we present below. In earlier articles in Supply Chain Management Review, I discussed the Top 1. Supply Chain Mistakes JulyAugust 2. New Ideas for Generating Value MayJune 2. With that same top 1. I embarked on this article. The 1. 0 trends identified are listed in Exhibit 1 and discussed in turn below. The list was based on my research and on consulting engagements with companies in a range of industries. Importantly, the trends were reviewed by a group of senior executives, both in supply chain and in other corporate functions, representing a cross section of industry. The intent was to capture empirical data around the relevance and ability to execute against each of the trends for their particular company and industry. The 1. Trends in Detail Continued on Next Page. The 1. 0 Trends in Detail. Service chains will become more important than product chains. In many if not most business sectors today, great product is considered to be the table stakes just to play the game. Increasingly, discerning consumers are demanding more from pre and post sales service for the goods they buy. Accordingly, companies that effectively couple the pre and post sales service supply chain activities including product knowledge, in store service, warranties, responsive consumer services, and the like will emerge as the winners over their solely product centric competitors. That message was underscored by Apple CEO Tim Cook in his recent apology to consumers in China for the companys perceived failure to listen to feedback about post sales service. This was a great example of a company with one of the most innovative products in the marketplace forgetting that the consumer is still largely in charge and that service plus product in this case, repair and warranty practices trumps product only. Companies will need to fully report supply chain externalities. In Corporation 2. Sukhdev writes in depth about corporate externalitiesdefined as the impacts of an organizations manufacturing and business processes on other segments of societyand the need to disclose those externalities. While some work has been done around supply chain sustainability and the need to reduce carbon footprint, companies will need to do a much better job of disclosing the end to end impacts of their supply chains. This means measuring and reporting on the effect of major supply chain transactions on jobs created, carbon footprint reduction, sustainable procurement processes, types of labor used, and modes of transportation among others. The customer or consumer will begin to demand the transparency into these impacts much as these have now on the labeling of food and beverage products. Supply chains must be designed to serve the base of the pyramid. The late Professor C. K. Prahlad authored a compelling book entitled The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, which later was modified and widely referred to as the base of the pyramid. The book pointed to the market potential of the five billion plus people in the world whose incomes are less than 2,0. We contend that companies in the consumable and durable sectors, in particular, will need to create products and associated supply chains to support the products that will cater to this market segment. To tap into this enormous potential, our supply chains must go through a total utilitarian design philosophy in order to deliver sustainable bottom line performance. Current supply chain thinking, which is largely based on a cost plus model, will need to shift to a not to exceed cost model. Corporate Logo Fonts Free Download. Knowledge work and workers will become global in nature. Knowledge work in supply chains today accounts for approximately 4. Much of this work deals with complex analytics, planning, procurement processing, and provision of services. This nature of the work, the need for multi language support, and the associated local complexities of the different geographies being served will necessitate the seamless globalization of supply chain knowledge work. As an example, you could see a U. S. centric company performing supply chain planning in the Philippines, operating procurement centers of excellence in Singapore, and conducting global business analytics in Brazil. SCM will have a standard certification process similar to that for CPAs. Many universities offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in supply chain management. In addition, professional associations such as APICS, CSCMP, and ISM offer a range of certification programs. However, in most cases these programs either focus on the basics of SCM or on a specific activity such as importexport or financial analysis. We believe that a fundamental shift will occur in the normalized delivery, content served, and certifications of supply chain professionals. Many other professions like accounting Certified Public Accountant and engineering Professional Engineers require national board examinations as well as continuing professional education measured by a specified number of hours per year. We contend that a similar professional credentials program will be required for supply chain professionals to normalize the knowledge base of the incoming resources.

Designing And Managing Supply Chain Free Pdf Download
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