Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7

Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7

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Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7' title='Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7' />Microsoft have released a new HTML5 Portal, released as Update Rollup 8 for Service Manager, and we again have a few different areas in which to do customisations. In. Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7IBM WebSphere Application Server provides periodic fixes for the base and Network Deployment editions of release V8. The following is a complete listing of fixes. If you ever had any doubts about the capabilities of SBS Backup, put them aside. You can absolutely depend on Windows ServerSBS 2008 Backup to create complete and. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Upgrade Deliverables. Supported Upgrade Tools. Supported Upgrade Paths to ESXi 5. Update 3b. ESXESXi 4. Includes ESXESXi 4. Update 1 ESXESXi 4. Update 2. Use IE for best view http http page missing microsoft. Customising the Service Manager HTML5 Portal. Microsoft have released a new HTML5 Portal, released as Update Rollup 8 for Service Manager, and we again have a few different areas in which to do customisations. In this post I will outline both the most common basic customisation you will want to do after installation branding the portal for your organisation and a slightly more deeper customisation adding a new item to the side bar. Basic Customisation. After a default installation, one of the first things youre likely going to want to change is the basic info. This consists of Site Tile Default Contoso Service DeskSupport Contact Information Defaults to Contoso Support with a 1. This is done via the web. C inetpubwwwrootSelf. Service. Portal. Lines 1. Lines 2. 0 2. 3 alter the site title and basic contact information. Line 2. 5 usually gets set to French, so amend to reflect your preferred default language. Line 2. 7 should be changed if you have a custom template that needs using for logging a basic incident request. Line 2. 9 should have been set correctly during installation and will reflect the SCSM Management server to use for all SDK calls. Line 3. 0 controls how much data is pulled back from a query in a request offering. Lines 3. 2 3. Line 3. Microsoft. N. B. Please dont immediately go and turn this off as a knee jerk reaction to Microsoft are invading my privacy. Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7' title='Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7' />The more telemetry Microsoft can get around usage of the portal, the better they can make it Deeper Customisation. One example of a more deeper customisation is modification of the side bar. For example there may be a requirement to add your own link to perhaps an external site. In the following example, Ill add a link to the Configuration Manager Software Catalog. Open the Sidebar. Default location is C inetpubwwwrootSelf. Service. PortalViewsSharedSidebar. The first DIV section controls the collapsed state of the sidebar Usually line 1. Within this section adding the following code will add a new item       lt div classrow sidenavsccm accesskeyS tabindex9 data toggletooltip titleSoftware Catalog lt span classicon Dictionary icon icon pos icon medium lt span lt div Classrow sidenavsccm is used to name this section artefactaccesskey part to bind the icon to the S Keytabindex assigns the order of which pressing the tab key cycles through the items. The span class code is used to choose the icon displayed, in this example Ive specified the Dictionary icon using icon Dictionary which is the same icon used for accessing the Service Catalog at the top of the sidebar. The list of icons already defined for use in the portal can be found in the main. ContentCSS folder from usually about line 2. These are basically friendly name mappings for the character codes used within the fonts found in the. ContentCSSfonts folder. You can either reference one of these friendly names, like I have in this example using icon Dictionary, or dig deeper into the font file, find the icon you like and then create your own friendly name for reference. TIP If you cant convert the woff file to a ttf to be able to view it in Character Map, then you might want to check the One. Drive API Git. Hub site which hosts a copy. One. Driveonedrive api docstreemasterhtml templatecssUpdated 1. The link I had previously to the font for use in Char. Map is now dead However, thanks to Donato Pasqualicchio MSFT, here is a link to this useful cheat sheet for the font http modernicons. Back in the Sidebar. The second DIV section controls the expanded state of the sidebarlt div classsidenavbarexpand col sidemenu Within this section add the following code to control how the button looks like in the expanded state, along with the URL to use when clicked. Dictionary icon medium icon icon pos lt span lt span classicon text icon text pos lt a hrefhttp ponconfigmgr. Software. Catalog targetblank Software Cataloglt a lt span lt div Classrow sidenavsccm is used to name this section artefact. The first bit of span class code is used to choose the icon displayed, so Ive kept it the same as the icon in the minimised state icon Dictonary. The second bit of span class code is used to define the text to show alongside the icon. Its also here that I insert a URL that becomes the icon text and will open a new tab to the URL when clicked. Save the sidebar. Im working on some further customisation posts, but feel free to post a comment if there is any specific customisation scenario you would like me to cover. TSMAdmin. UPDATE 1. I have found another interesting select option I was previously unaware of that coincides with the previous LOCATE option. We have an interesting host naming convention where I work and we use the hostname for the NODE NAME when defining the servers to TSMSP. It is as follows lt servername. ID. lt OStype. lt customer. Example   CQSDBS0. US0. 1. ULX. BS. US3. NET The issue I have is with trying to seperate out the data is a report by customer. Of course each customer has their own domains but I wanted a report that broke out the report by the customer ID. I wanted something like this Customer      Occupancy GB     UDC2                 3. CFG                  3. ULT0. 1                 1. MAQ                    6. MSM                   1. MX                       9. MX3                      0. ELO                   6. GUS                      4. BFG                  1. VS                     1. PMTX                    8. POS                  1. SAM                   8. SUX                  1. The problem was not with breaking out the customer ID because the LOCATE select worked perfectly for extracting the Customer IDs with their various lengths. The issue was how to sum each customers data without experiencing an error requiring I use GROUP BY which caused more headaches because I could not figure out how to group by the NODE NAME from which I was getting the customer ID. So I googled GROUP BY in DB2 with SUBSTR since I was using a SUBSTR to extract the customer IDs. As turns out the GROUP BY is more flexible than I originally thought. Check this out Select                             VARCHARSUBSTRNODENAME,          LOCATE. NODENAME,             LOCATE., NODENAME,            LOCATE., NODENAME111,   LOCATE. NODENAME,             LOCATE. NODENAME,             LOCATE., NODENAME,            LOCATE., NODENAME111 LOCATE. NODENAME,             LOCATE., NODENAME,            LOCATE., NODENAME11 1,8 as CUSTOMER,                      sumTOTALMB1. AS TOTALGB     from auditocc                      where nodename like. VARCHARSUBSTRNODENAME, LOCATE. Bmp File Size Reduce Software Crack Downloads. NODENAME,             LOCATE., NODENAME,            LOCATE., NODENAME111,   LOCATE. NODENAME,             LOCATE. NODENAME,             LOCATE., NODENAME,            LOCATE., NODENAME111 LOCATE. NODENAME,             LOCATE., NODENAME,            LOCATE., NODENAME11 1,8  In DB2 I could actually group by the SUBSTR of the value I was extracting, even with it being complex with the LOCATE options in use. MIND BLOWN UPDATE 592. I posted on Stack. Overflow a great developerscriptingDB listserv asking how I could get similar output with the functions available in versions prior to DB2 1. So as you know the SUBSTR function works like this Select SUBSTRFILESPACENAME, lt START. POSITION ,lt LENGTH The issue with the earlier DB2 versions is I could only get the LOCATION function to play nice with my script. I was previously only able to figure out a select that got close Select. SUBSTRFILESPACENAME, LOCATE,FILESPACENAME, LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME11 11. FSNAME. from filespaces. TEST AP DAGWhich output this FSNAME                                                            TEST MB 0. Mailbox Database 1. TEST MB 0. 51. I could not figure out a way to get the length. So a kind reader at Stack. Overflow helped me understand how to get the length by subtracting the 4th location from the 3rd 1. This gives the correct length and allows for the length size to vary rather than be fixed. Select. SUBSTRFILESPACENAME,. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME111,. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME111. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME11 1. TEST AP DAGHere it is color coded Select SUBSTRFILESPACENAME, lt START POSITION ,lt LENGTH Select. SUBSTRFILESPACENAME, LOCATE,FILESPACENAME, LOCATE. FILESPACENAME, LOCATE, FILESPACENAME111,. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME, LOCATE,FILESPACENAME, LOCATE. FILESPACENAME, LOCATE, FILESPACENAME111. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME, LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME11 1. FILESPACES. NODENAMETEST AP DAGSo the final script looks like this. Select. VARCHARNODENAME,1. NODE,. VARCHARSUBSTRFILESPACENAME,. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME111,. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME111. LOCATE,FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME,. LOCATE, FILESPACENAME11 1,3. AS LASTGOODBACKUP. TEST AP DAG. ExchDB, backupend asc. The results are exactly like the script that only works with TSM 8. NODE              EXCHDB                          LASTGOODBACKUP     TEST AP DAG       TEST MB 0. TEST AP DAG       TEST MB 0. TEST AP DAG       TEST MB 0. TEST AP DAG       TEST MB 0. TEST AP DAG       TEST MB 0. TEST AP DAG       TEST MB TEMP                          2. TEST AP DAG       MISC MB TEMP                          2. TEST AP DAG       Mailbox Database 1. TEST AP DAG       Mailbox Database 1. I upgraded some of my 6. TSM 8. 1 recently and have found the newer DB2 version v. SQL queries. I have been trying to build a report to track an Exchange DAG servers backups. The problem is that the easiest way to track the backups of DBs is to view the last completed backup for each of nodes file spaces. Thats the easy part. The hard part is that the file space name is huge. TEST AP DAGMicrosoft Exchange Writer7. TEST MB 0. 50e. TEST AP DAGMicrosoft Exchange Writer7. Mailbox Database 1. So how to extract the DB name, in this case TEST MB 0. Mailbox Database 1. DB name changes After some investigation and trial and error I found that the LOCATEINSTRING function works in v. Whether it works in 7. DB2 v. 10. 5 I cant say since I dont have a 7. If any of you out there try this and it works let me know. So heres the script. I think you can read it and see what I am doing. If not let me know in the comments and Ill explain. TSMSERV q script DAG EXCH RPT frawselect  VARCHARNODENAME,1. NODE,  varcharsubstringfilespacename, LOCATEINSTRINGfilespacename, 1, 3,  LOCATEINSTRINGfilespacename, 1, 4  LOCATEINSTRINGfilespacename, 1, 3,3. ExchDB,  datebackupend AS LASTGOODBACKUP from FILESPACES  where   nodenameTEST AP DAG  order by ExchDB, backupend asc. Here is sample output NODE              EXCHDB                          LASTGOODBACKUP     TEST AP DAG       TEST MB 0.

Install Dpm Agent Manually Work Group Windows 7
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