Select the relevant item from the list and click Delete. Advanced Color Coding. You can also use the Automatic Formatting screen described in the previous Delete section for more advanced color coding. Detailed instructions can be found on an earlier post titled Let Outlook highlight your important emails. I hope these simple color coding tricks help make your Inbox more manageable. Do you have you own email coloring tricksTell me more by leaving comments on the blog. Make Important Email Standout in Outlook with Color. Outlook settings to see which messages default to red. Using colorcoding of your Inbox messages can easily help you find emails from important senders, such as your boss or spouse. Outlook makes this a simple process to. Most of us at Microsoft spend most of our time in Outlook and the flow of email sometimes can get overwhelming. Categories, Rules and Alerts are one way to. Outlook Color Coding MessagesAutomatically Change Message Colors and Fonts Based on Sender Subject orRecipients. Color Code Outlook Inbox' title='Color Code Outlook Inbox' />Color Code Outlook 2010Email expert Itzy Sabo sets Microsoft Outlook to colorcode all email addressed only to him blue, because those messages are more likely to be more important and. Esl Restaurant Role Play Activities In Communication. Join my membership site and get access to my entire video library of Microsoft training courses Outlook ColorCode Incoming Messages by Sender. Use color to identify people and subjects when you download them to your Outlook Inbox. Copying the format to other views will retain the color, even if you move the. I have spent hours on this to no avail. Want to color code certain email msgs in outlook 2010. When I select View, View settings, conditional formatting.