If Row Exists Update, Else Insert in SQL Server. Ive seen this used, before in SQL Server. I understand that it inserts if the record doesnt exisit, and updates if it does. Im tyring to do something slightly different, where, im checking the Account. ID and another column Other. Re. In the data is built from views, and put into a temp table. So, going in to the existing table, if that account. ID exists in the temp table, compare the otherrein column, if its different overwrite it, and upodate the lastmodifieddate column with getdate if it doesnt exist just insert the record. Ive seen this used, before in SQL Server. I understand that it inserts if the record doesnt exisit, and updates if it does. Im tyring. CREATE PROCEDURE uspINSERTUPDATEEMP Emp. ID AS INT, Last. Name AS NVARCHAR2. First. Name AS NVARCHAR2. Surf Anonymous 2 2 7 6 Portable Sign. ASBEGIN IF EXISTS SELECT Employee. ID FROM Employees WHERE Employee. ID Emp. ID BEGIN Write your update query UPDATE Employees SET First. I want to check table PREMIUMSERVICEUSER if any records exists for strClientID update timeValid for 30 if no records for strClientID insert to premiumserviceuser. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to perform Bulk Insert records and Update existing rows if record exists using C and VB. Net. SqlBulkCopy as the name. UPDATE is a DML statement that modifies rows in a table. Singletable syntax UPDATE LOWPRIORITY IGNORE tablereference SET assignmentlist WHERE where. Dont know why anyone else hasnt said this yet NORMALISE. Youve got a table that models competitions Competitions are made up of Competitors
Name First. Name, Last. Name Last. Name WHERE Employee. ID Emp. ID END ELSE BEGIN Write your insert query INSERT INTO Employees Employee. ID, First. Name, Last. Name VALUES Emp. ID, First. Name, Last. Name ENDENDSelect all. Open in new window.